Coping with Board Administrators Who Are Difficult to Help with


Many boards have one or more members who also happen to be difficult to use. Unless resolved, these situations can build real table conflict and could eventually result in the loss of that member’s seats on the board. This article and the related Support Sheet keep pace with offer a lot of strategies for working with such problems, starting with a frank talk with that panel member in private (the chair and the governance committee chair should be in charge of this). On this conversation, you have to make clear that the issue is not really personal. It’s the way in which this kind of board member’s behavior disturbs and counters the board’s ability to function as a team.

Level 2 — A Lose interest

Everyone knows the board member who drones about during gatherings, repeating points that were previously heard, and generally being a thoughts to others. This example generally arises due to a genuine concern for the person, and panel members could possibly be reluctant to offend these people by confronting them. Inevitably, this kind of trouble needs to be comprised as much as possible, in order that board appointments are important, productive, and even fun for all board participants.

If the person’s behavior would not improve, the board must have a frank discussion about this with the couch and/or the governance panel chair, showing how this behaviour decreases good decision making and comes with an impact on the board’s foreseeable future. It should also be made clear towards the problematic plank member that their activities will be regarded as for removal if the panel is not able to control all of them effectively. This kind of conversation should be guided by the EDUCATION and board chair, who should make certain that the discussion is normally professional and calm.